Patrick Alexander Patrick Alexander

Culture, of Course! still on course

What always fits and never goes out of style? Cash, of course! That’s the grand prize in the sixth annual Culture, Of Course! 50/50 Raffle. With a limited number of tickets to be sold, the odds are as amazing as the cause: the nonprofit Lincoln City Cultural Center.

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Patrick Alexander Patrick Alexander

Tide and peek

A purple sea star wraps its five rigid arms around a barnacle encrusted California mussel. Employing hundreds of tiny, hydraulically actuated tubed feet in unison, the sea star breaks the bivalve’s tenacious seal.

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Patrick Alexander Patrick Alexander

Boy, Dewey have a story for you?

Libraries are supposed to be quiet places, but sometimes it takes a lot of noise to get them built. The following is the tale of the ladies of the Siletz Valley Friends of the Library, née the Siletz Civic Club, who have girl-power pride about taking a failing library and turning it into a treasure for their community.

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Patrick Alexander Patrick Alexander

The pulpit and the pandemic

This is a story about love. The kind of love that transcends race, gender, sexual and religious preferences, income and status. This is about a community rising up and giving to those in need. It is the response to the coronavirus, unemployment, housing shortages and hunger that blights Lincoln County.

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Patrick Alexander Patrick Alexander

Rally and reality

When we heard that there was going to be a large Re-open Oregon Businesses rally happening on Saturday May 9, we thought we would tag along and get the scoop for our readers.

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