Try a little online learning

with the winter term from Oregon Coast Community College

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While you might lose a little by not being in the same room with the instructors and fellow students, the fact that you can now take an Oregon Coast Community College class from pretty much anywhere with an internet connection should more than make up for it.

And even if you don’t have internet access, you can check with your local library to see if a hotspot is available for lending.

From free and just for fun up to investments in your future, these non-credit offerings can help you grow and develop a hobby, or help you create a new career path.

Foam, food and flora

Beers of Oregon’s Central Coast.

Follow an ale trail with guide Chris Rogers, who will introduce you to some of

the brewers and beers that make this such a coveted destination for beer aficionados. Schedules permitting, Rogers might even be able to bring in some of the brewers themselves to discuss their favorites and talk about what 2021 might bring.

$15 • Thursday, Feb. 11


Gardening on the coast: Spring is coming!

Get your garden ready in March with the “Oregon Coast Gardener,” Joanne Daschel, who returns with a lively discussion of garden planning, what to start now for summer and easy spring crops. Daschel’s specialities include landscaping with edibles and getting the most out of small spaces.

$15 • Monday, March 15


Cooking with Steve

Chef Steve Sprague will prepare a meal live from a kitchen in Lincoln County. Every participant will receive a copy of the ingredient list and instructions in advance, so you can just watch and prepare the meal later or prep the ingredients before the class and try to cook along with Sprague. Participants will be able to ask questions during the session, and a recording of the class will be available afterwards.

$20 • Thursday, March 18 (date subject to change)


Life through a lens


Astronomy series with Sifan Kahale

What keeps Sifan up at night?

Lincoln County’s own professional astronomer and hunter of killer asteroids will talk about how astronomers capture some of those beautiful images of the planets and deep-sky objects, and will guide students through her daily (well, nightly) routine.

Free • Thursday, Jan. 14


Kahale will also be presenting a four-part series for telescope owners designed to help learn about a new device or revive interest in an old scope — and give you resources to help you enjoy the night sky. To get the most from these courses, participants should have a webcam.

Part 1 - So you have a telescope, now what?

Part 2 - Okay, I can see through my telescope, what’s next?

Part 3 - How to use your telescope at night

Part 4 - Beginner telescope automation

$25 per session • Thursday, Jan. 28, through March.


Digital photography courses with Paul Calkins

The basics

Get introduced to the use of the mode dial, the different menus and the meaning and proper use of the camera icons. Learn how to transfer photographs to a computer, basic photo composition and creative uses of a digital camera for taking portraits, landscapes, wildlife photography, documentation of current events and much more.

$30 • Tuesdays, Jan. 12 and 19


Beyond the basics

Learn more about your DSLR interchangeable-lens camera, exploring features such as program, aperture, priority and manual modes. The class will also cover f/stop, exposure, shutter speed, white balance and bracketing. The experience includes hands-on field trip. Students must provide their own transportation to the shoot location.

$30 • Tuesdays, Feb. 2 and 9


How to adult well 

Mind over money, with OCCC business advisor Wendy Ludwig

Good financial habits can be the difference between barely making ends meet and building real financial security. This course provides an excellent foundation for young adults but is useful for people of any age.

Students will learn how to create and use a monthly budget, strategies for smart spending and saving, how to manage debt and build credit, tips for major purchases and buying insurance.

$25 • Tuesdays, Feb. 2, 9, 16 and 23


Doing business in Lincoln County

An introduction presented by Ludwig in business formation, licensing, registration, marketing and operations. The course is a mix of general start-up information and specific considerations for Oregon Coast businesses.

$25 • Thursday, Jan. 28

Disaster preparedness for the Pacific Northwest with Jim Kusz

In 2015 the New Yorker published a cover story, “The Really Big One,” that detailed the risks of a “Cascadia Event” and resulting tsunami in stark, sobering language. As a result, attendance in the already popular OCCC Disaster Preparedness class ballooned, as crowds gathered to hear Kusz, at the time a captain with North Lincoln Fire & Rescue, explain how to craft appropriate “go kits,” and how to be prepared to ride out the earthquake, tsunami and days and weeks of isolation that would likely follow. He also always stressed the need to prepare for a wildfire. In fact, some of those who evacuated from the Echo Mountain Complex fires last summer did so equipped with “go bags” inspired by their participation in Kusz’s class. This winter, OCCC is pleased to revive this course, which summarizes some of the fundamental risks that threaten to strike the Northwest at any time, delivered in a casual, friendly manner.

$15 • Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 2 and 4


Before the end of life

No matter where you are in the journey of life there will be an end point, and taking care of business now will make the process easier for both you and your loved ones.

Who has the passwords? Who knows the secrets? Where is everything? What is the executor’s job?

This two-session course helps guide families, friends, individuals and caregivers on how to organize life and care information. Facilitator Barbara Bush is a retired firefighter and nurse with extensive experience in emergency, disaster and hospice settings.

$30 • Tuesdays, Jan. 12 & 19 or Tuesdays, Feb. 9 & 16


Estate planning: Wills and trusts

In this short course, Brian Haggerty will address fundamental issues involved with creating an effective estate plan, give students strategies for effective asset management as they age and provide guidelines for the appropriate disposition of assets upon death. The class includes a discussion of the use of wills, trusts, powers of attorney and health care directives, and will cover IRAs and other retirement assets.

$35 • Tuesdays, Feb. 2, 9 & 16


Real estate courses 

Broker’s license pre-exam training

Studying independently for a Real Estate Broker’s license can grind on for months longer than planned.

This class is designed to keep participants on track, week in and week out, working as a group and independently towards preparing to successfully take the licensing test. Start in January, and take your test before the spring. The first class will meet each Thursday night for ten weeks and one Saturday.

$600 • Jan. 14 through March 20


Property manager license

This course introduces the Oregon real estate property manager to licensing laws and rules including statutes pertaining to property management. Prepared to take the state of Oregon Property Manager License exam, which is a required step to becoming a licensed property manager. This course is the fastest way to qualify to take the exam, and covers the role of property managers, tenant relations, fair housing, lease agreements and more. You must attend all evening class sessions, and have online capacity to complete the self-study portion of this course. Upon completion, the student will be able to describe real estate laws and rules that protect the Oregon consumer in need of property management services provided by a licensed property manager. This course is taught by an experienced property manager. For more information, call 503-551-4467. All materials provided.

$550 • Tuesdays, Jan. 12 through Feb. 23


All this adulting got you in a kerfuffle? Business owners can join a new, free, weekly business roundtable with the staff at the OCCC Small Business Development Center, every Monday morning, beginning Jan. 4, at 9:30 am.

Hear something about a new grant possibility? Wondering how to interpret “guidance” from the state? Bring your questions, or just join to talk informally with the OCCC team and fellow business owners from across Lincoln County.

Moderators: Dave Price, OCCC vice president for engagement & entrepreneurship, and Wendy Ludwig, business advisor.


For more information and registration, go to


Not all capes have heroes


A little 2020 hindsight