A hull lot of fun

Looking for a few opportunities to float freely on a body of water? Thanks to the Yaquina Bay Yacht Club and the Port of Toledo, you can sail on the bay or kayak, stand up paddle board and even tour the Yaquina River on a motor boat.

Celebrate summer with the Yaquina Bay Yacht Club during Sailstice this Saturday, June 17, when club members take people out for free sailboat rides, conditions permitting. Bring your own coast guard-approved life jackets, or borrow one for the trip from the club.

Guests will also have an opportunity to support the middle and high school sailing teams by participating in a Youth Sailing raffle, sign up for the August adult sailing class and join the club for a reduced price.

The clubhouse will open for signups at 11:30 am. The last boat will leave the dock at roughly 3 pm, conditions permitting, and return by 4 pm — but arrive earlier for a better chance to get on a boat.

The Yaquina Bay Yacht Club is located at 750 Bay Road in Newport. For more information, go to yaquinabayyachtclub.org.


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