A spirited show

Catch ‘Spirits of Sylvia Beach’ in Newport

Do a Google search for “Is the Sylvia Beach Hotel haunted?” and you won’t be disappointed. Claims of cold spots, eerie presences and shadowy apparitions come as no surprise if you stay in this more-than-a-century-old mansion perched on the cliffs overlooking the ocean in Newport’s Nye Beach district.

Haunting possibilities are the theme of “Spirits of Sylvia Beach,” the current production by the Porthole Players at the Newport Performing Arts Center.

The hotel’s rooms are each decorated to honor a well-known writer, and the play floats on the premise of what was for some a sacrilegious act: the changing of the Edgar Allen Poe room to the J.K. Rowling room, which took fewer changes than any other room would have.

Swapping a raven for an owl pretty much did the trick.

But did the spirits of the Sylvia Beach mind?

Tickets sales were brisk for this much-anticipated comedy, which showed the best of the players’ possibilities with top-notch acting, comely costumes and a stunning set.

Though reserved seating for this production is sold out, seating might still be available for two “pay what you will” Thursday performances on September 19 and 26 at 7 pm. Donations will be accepted at the door on a first-come, first-served basis and it is recommended that you arrive when the box office opens at 6 pm.

The Newport Performing Arts Center is located at 777 W Olive Street. For more information, go to portholeplayers.com.


Pride, before the fall


Pacific City? It’s a long story.