Art that makes a splash

Manzanita’s Hoffman Gallery will close out the year with an exciting show featuring prints by Bruce Vincent, paintings by Robert Procter and a group bowl show of coastal ceramic artists.

A reception will be held at 2 pm on Saturday, Dec. 2, during which the artists will speak about their work and answer questions.

Vincent, based in Tillamook, creates prints with many layers of texture and color using a variety of techniques: monotype, collagraph, dry point and mark making from sketch directly onto the print surface. He continually experiments with mark making materials outside the conventional realm. Coastal scenes of rocks, clouds, and boats are at the forefront of this show.

Procter lives in Portland and works with an array of mediums like encaustic, calligraphy, print and paint. He strives to capture some essence of his model through strong composition, and his use of color is intended to enhance the drawing to further the story. Procter’s work in this show emphasizes the beauty of the coast that surrounds us.

This year’s annual ceramic group show features bowls of all shapes, sizes and uses for sale. This show provides a great opportunity to support local ceramic artists during the holidays.

The show will run through December 23 at the Hoffman Gallery, located at 594 Laneda Avenue, open Friday through Sunday from noon to 4 pm.

For more information, go to or call 503-368-3846.


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