Buddy up for a bird walk

By Ruth Shelly

Fewer people flock to the coast during the winter months. Instead, we are gifted with increased numbers of wintering waterfowl.

At their January walk on Saturday, Jan. 7, members of the Audubon Society of Lincoln City will lead a bird-watching tour of the Hatfield Marine Science Center Nature Trail in Newport.

After walking the trail, the group will drive to the Yaquina Bay South Jetty as time permits. Possible species sighted at the spots include harlequin and other diving ducks, loons and other wintering birds. The trip offers short easy walks to viewing areas.

All the group’s bird walks are free, family-friendly, easy to moderately easy and no pre-registration or experience is required. Binoculars and guidebooks are provided. Walks are held rain or shine; dress appropriately for coastal weather and muddy trails.

The group will meet at 9 am in the parking lot of the Hatfield Marine Science Center, located at 2030 SE Marine Science Drive in Newport. For more information, go to lincolncityaudubon.org.


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