Buy art without leafing home

Shopping online goes local, with the Yachats Arts Guild’s "New Leaf" show, offering great deals on original artwork and jewelry until Sunday, April 18. Find photography by Donna Bader and Jeanette K. Hodges, mixed media by Nancy Bolton-Rawles and Beth Kattleman, watercolors by Carol Cassidy, Doug Yunker and Carol Summers, oil paintings by Melinda Fellini, and other mixed-media art from Sandra Gangle, Lynn Myers, Lugene Whitley and Kathy Whitson.

Also available is jewelry from designer Sherry Secreast, who has been creating wearable art for more than 30 years.

“I first started out doing beadwork: earrings, necklace and bracelets,” she said. “I’ve been collecting seed beads all along, and there are also lots of vintage beads in my work. Beads are like paints to me that can bedazzle and sparkle up my creations.”

When Secreast began seeing “upcycled” art made with reused items, it created a new angle for her work. 

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“I liked the concept of gathering different pieces to reuse in my jewelry,” she said. “I think that’s a good way to give back to the environment and keep them out of the landfill. I’ve been collecting my materials from antique malls, thrift stores, garage sales, craft shops and from friends for my jewelry making. I admire the beauty of vintage items and this is a great way to bring them back to life.”

The Yachats Arts Guild formed in 2007 in response to a communal desire to showcase the beauty and varied talents of local artists. Beginning with just a few members, the guild continues to grow with both active artists and community support. The first online show in November 2020, “Small Treasures” was a huge success, thanks to all the local, and not-so-local, art supporters.

To see the show, go to


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