Celebration of Honor returns
Lincoln City event honors veterans and active-duty military

For the past 20 years, Chinook Winds Casino Resort has spearheaded the Annual Celebration of Honor, a public event that honors active-duty personnel, military veterans and their families.
This Friday, Sept. 15, and Saturday, Sept. 16, visitors will find the casino grounds specially decorated and dedicated to the event.
The Veteran Services tent will return on Friday from 10 am to 4 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
The grounds will also host vintage and current-day military vehicles, displayed and provided by the American Infantry Soldier Group, as well as military flags on display for public outdoor viewing. This year the Vietnam Veterans of America 805 Oregon Veteran wall will be on display as well.
Veterans and active-duty personnel can show military ID through Monday, Sept.18, to receive free movie tickets and popcorn at the Historic Bijou Theatre.
On Saturday, the Lincoln City Kiwanis Parade of Flags will line the streets of Lincoln City with flags to celebrate the weeklong dedication. At 2 pm, the re-dedication of the Desert Storm memorial will take place in front of the casino to honor those men and women who lost their lives in the conflict.
There are many ways for individuals, families, youth groups, businesses and organizations to become involved with the Celebration of Honor. A fund-raiser for a veterans’ group; a special business discount for veterans and their families; red, white and blue decorations at your store; flying red, white and blue kites; displaying the American flag at your home or business; or planning an event are just a few ways you can become part of this year’s celebration. Whether it’s a big event or a small fund-raiser — every effort contributes to making the 20th Celebration of Honor more meaningful and personal.
Explore Lincoln City is also doing a special float drop from Wednesday, Sept. 13, through Saturday, Sept. 16, with volunteers hiding 50 red-white-and-blue floats on the beach for visitors to find.
Chinook Winds Casino Resort, owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, is located at 1777 NW 44th Street, Lincoln City. For more information, go to chinookwindscasino.com.