Come along, there’s plein-ty of room

Paint alongside an artist-in-residence in the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area with current resident, Emy Syrop, at the “Plein Air Paint Out” this Sunday, June 5.

“I paint coastal landscapes and detailed illustrations of marine life,” Syrop said. “I most frequently use gouache but work in acrylic, watercolor, colored pencils and graphite as the piece may require. My background as a marine biologist and surfer informs my understanding of the oceans and the lives supported within. I have always lived along the Pacific Coast: first in Southern California and now in Newport, where I am inspired by the varied coastline, weather and intimate encounters with wildlife.”

Syrop will help guide temporary artists-in-residence as they explore the area and create art on 5″ x 7″ postcards, which will later be featured in the July Artist in Residence Show at the Newport Visual Arts Center.

“Plein air painting is my most fulfilling way to paint landscapes as I become a detailed observer of the environment in those moments,” she said. “Water reflections, balanced colors and open space reconnect the viewer to our environment, promoting stewardship for the lands we inhabit. I enjoy drawing animals and found objects from the beach where I inspect and analyze the details. These layered illustrations invite the viewer to look closer, sparking an interest in the strangeness and uniqueness of marine wildlife and inspiring them to seek out natural spaces where they live.”

Sunday’s event begins at 10 am and ends with a closing gathering at 2 pm. Parking admission is free for participants, just let the ranger at the entrance gate know you are there for the paint-out.

The Yaquina Head Lighthouse is located at NW Lighthouse Drive in Newport. For more information, go to


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