Dive into the world of sea otters

Sea otters were present along the Oregon Coast for more than 10,000 years, until the fateful arrival of European fur traders and settlers hunted the local populations to extinction.

If you love these charismatic animals then this is the webinar for you.

On Wednesday, Feb. 2, a guest from the Elakha Alliance will present the sea otter feasibility study, a guiding document for reintroducing sea otters to the Oregon coast.

You'll get the chance to learn about topics varying from habitat suitability and ecosystem effects on sea otters, to political, legal, economic and social considerations for successful reintroduction.

The absence of sea otters is still felt to this day, not only by tribes who had a connection to the species since time immemorial, but also by the entire coastal ecosystem that has since been thrown off balance.

However, at long last there is hope for the return of this beloved, fuzzy mammal.

As part of the presentation, raffle tickets will be available for chances at a copy of “Oregon's Ancient Forests: A Hiking Guide,” a solar USB charger, an Oregon Wild hat or a Wild: The Oregon Way t-shirt.

Raffle tickets are $5 each and proceeds will not only help continue the Wednesday presentations but also support work safeguarding Oregon's wildlands, wildlife and waters.

The virtual presentation begins at 6 pm. For more information, go to oregonwild.org.



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