Explore the fungus among us

Learn, trek and taste at the Yachats Village Mushroom Festival

By Leslie O’Donnell

For the TODAY

The COVID pandemic kept the Yachats Village Mushroom Festival in the dark for the past two years, but it’s back in all its glory from Friday, Oct. 14, through Sunday, Oct. 16.

The 21st annual event features guided walks, mushroom identification and informational displays, a full day of speakers, hands-on workshops and free screenings of the film “Psychedelia.”

In addition, vendors selling fresh mushrooms, art and other products will be found around town and local restaurants will feature mushroom-themed menus.

Many events are free, but cash donations are welcome.

The festival was almost a goner this year, too, until Dr. Regina Moore decided it should be brought back to life.

“The previous organizers weren’t going to be doing it this year, so I got the ball rolling in early September with a small group of volunteers,” she said. “Many community members and former participants expressed a new interest in being involved once we got started. This year’s festival is a smaller version of what we had before, but there’s still a lot going on.”

The Yachats Chamber of Commerce was the previous festival organizer and — with its newly hired executive director, Bobbi Price — is again helping out this year.

Moore describes herself as a long-time mushroom lover. She has lived in Yachats for about 10 years, is a pharmacist and co-founder of the Psychedelic Pharmacists Association and is a long-time member of the Lincoln County Mycological Society.

She is also a participant in the festival and will speak with Elan Hagens on Saturday on legal psilocybin, Measure 109 and mycology.

Moore was a member of the spring 2022 Rules and Advisory Committee for Measure 109.

The festival spans a variety of venues around town, opening with a free guided night walk to view fluorescent species Friday at 6 pm.

New this year, the walk is within the Yachats city limits. Headlamps and walking sticks are recommended and pre-registration is required.

Saturday and Sunday bring full slates of activities — identification tables and mushroom information at the Lions Hall, guided walks for varying skill levels, hands-on workshops and, on Saturday only, guest speakers at the Yachats Community Presbyterian Church.

Free screenings of “Psychedelia,” take place on Saturday and Sunday at the Yachats Commons. The film is an hour-long documentary about psychedelic drugs and their recent re-emergence in psychiatry.

Hands-on workshops requiring a fee and pre-registration are “Mushroom microscopy” and “Growing oyster mushrooms” on Saturday and “Growing mushrooms on logs” on Sunday.

Saturday brings a full day of free talks starting at the Yachats Community Presbyterian Church.

The festival is designed to appeal to beginner mushroom enthusiasts all the way to experts.

“The festival goal is to educate people about mushrooms and inspire them to check out the mushroom diversity of the Oregon Coast while building a sense of community,” Moore said. “It’s a chance for mushroom people to come out and build bonds.”

Of her effort to keep the festival alive, Moore said, “This is a really loved event and I didn’t want to lose it. I hope to do a larger festival next year, and want to hear from the public about what their favorite part of the festival is.”

She’s found lots of new interest in mushrooms in Oregon this past year, and said the event is a way for people to learn about mushrooms safely from the experts.

“I hope people will take advantage of that so they can enjoy mushrooms safely and see interest in them continue to grow,” she said.


The Yachats Lions Club is located at 344 Fourth Street, the Yachats Community Presbyterian Church is located at 360 West Seventh Street, and the Yachats Commons is located at 441 N Hwy. 101.

For more information, go to yachatsmushroomfestival.com.


Festival schedule


• Guided luminous mushroom walk, 6 pm. Registration required.



• Mushroom displays, identification and information, Yachats Lions Club Hall, 10 am to 5 pm.

• Various speakers, Yachats Community Presbyterian Church, 9:30 am to 5 pm.

• Free screening of “Psychedelia,” Room 8, Yachats Commons, 10 am.

• Hands-on workshop — “Mushroom microscopy,” 10 am to 12:30 pm, fee charged, registration required.

• Hands-on workshop — “Growing oyster mushrooms,” 1:30 to 3 pm, fee charged, registration required.

• Guided walks throughout the day. Registration required.



• Guided walks throughout the day. Registration required.

• Mushroom displays, identification and information, Yachats Lions Club, 10 am to 5 pm.

• Hands-on workshop — “Growing mushrooms on logs,” 10 am to noon, fee charged, registration required.

• Free screening of “Psychedelia,” Yachats Commons, room 8, 10 am and 12:30 pm.



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