Fly high at community college

Summer is a great time for outdoor activities like disc golf and surfing, but sometimes you need a little help learning how to do them. Registration is now open for courses like these, as well as those that dive into some deeper topics, for both summer and fall terms at Oregon Coast Community College.

Summer is a great time to catch up on credits or take an interesting course for personal enrichment on subjects including US government, world regional geography, American Indian history, literature of science fiction, disc golf, surfing and more. Summer term begins on Tuesday, July 5 and ends Aug. 20.

For fall, students can expect a wider selection of courses including Computer Science, Japanese Culture and Environmental Literature. And if you missed it during the summer term, there’s a second chance to learn disc golf and surfing. The fall term begins September 26 and ends December 10.

Explore new career options this fall too, through courses like Careers in Aviation or Introduction to Education Careers. The Careers in Aviation course, taught at the North County Center in Lincoln City, is presented in partnership with the Career Tech Aviation Program. Students exploring a four-year degree in a field such as aeronautical engineering will learn more about related career options through this program.

The Introduction to Education Careers course is an early step in Oregon Coast’s Teacher Education Pathway, a transfer program created in partnership with the Lincoln County School District and Western Oregon University. The program, only a few years old, is already seeing participants student-teaching and preparing for excellent teaching careers.  

Another exciting option is Exploring Computer Science. This course explores the field of computer science and provides an overview of computer architecture, software development engineering, data organization, problem-solving strategies, ethics and theory of computation. Students will explore career options and develop rudimentary software development skills. This course is transferable to a four-year institution and is applicable toward an Associate of Science transfer degree.

The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong process, and the college offers senior learners the opportunity to enhance new and existing skills through challenging and intellectually stimulating programs. Oregon residents 60 or older can take tuition-free credit courses — course and college fees will still apply, and availability may be limited in some courses.

For those who would like help registering for classes, “On-the-Spot” admissions events are planned to walk students through the admissions process and register for classes on-site. Student Success Coaches will help people sign up for classes specific to their academic goals — whether a one-year certificate, two-year associate degree or transfer degree to a four-year university. Financial aid staff will also be on hand to help guide students through the financial aid process. For those unsure if they’re ready to register, staff will also be available to answer questions about getting started.

The On-the-Spot events are scheduled at Newport and Lincoln City campuses on Wednesday, June 22, Monday, July 11, Tuesday Aug. 2 and Thursday, Aug. 25.

OCCC offers transfer degrees that can save students thousands by earning the first two years of their four-year degree at community college. The college also offers a teaching pathway in conjunction with Western Oregon University and Oregon State University, as well as specialty programs including Early Childhood Education, Business, Computer Science, Nursing, EMT, Medical Assistant, Nursing Assistant, Welding, Aquarium Science and many others.


For more information about both credit and non-credit courses, go to or call 541-867-8501.


• Need some inspiration? The college will present the 2022 Commencement Ceremony in person at 6 pm on Friday, June 17, at the Newport Performing Arts Center. You can also check it out online on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. Live links will be available on the day of the event at


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