From court cases to guitar cases

The Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences presents Creighton “Creight” Horton at the Yachats Commons this Sunday, Aug. 25.

Horton will speak about his 30 years of experience as a prosecutor in the offices of the Salt Lake City District Attorney and the Utah State Attorney General.

He prosecuted a number of high-profile cases, some of which are still in the public eye today.

Near the end of his career, he became involved in the innocence movement, promoting justice reforms and training police and prosecutors on how to prevent wrongful convictions. Much of his presentation will focus on this aspect of his career.

Horton is also the author of “A Reluctant Prosecutor: My Journey.”

After retiring he moved to Yachats, trading in his law license for a guitar. He now plays music around town with his buddy Dave and with his daughters Kaely and Eyrie.

The talk begins at 6:30 pm at 441 Hwy. 101. Admission is by a suggested donation of $5.. For more information, go to or



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