Galleries unite for art stroll

Art lovers are invited to mix and mingle with local artists at a joint reception from the Pacific Artists’ Co-op Gallery, Artists’ Studio Association Beachstone Gallery and the Chessman Gallery this Friday, Oct. 7, this Friday, Oct. 7.

Walk and wander among new artwork in the galleries, conveniently located across the street from one another. 

The evening will be an opportunity to meet several local artists while enjoying appetizers, beverages and live music.

The Co-op Gallery will also have live demonstrations by mosaic artist Rosemary Wood-Hemm, bronze sculptor Bill Hunt and glass blower, jeweler and painter Susan Hanson. Hunt will be demonstrating his process of creating wax molds, which are used in preparation for creating his bronze figures.

The Chessman Gallery, located inside the Lincoln City Cultural Center, is currently hosting the “Nature, Lines and Contours” show by Sue Friesz, a Pacific Northwest artist whose work includes drawing, painting, sculpture and assemblage. Friesz uses shapes, contours and patterns found in nature as well as the built world, putting them together in some degree of balance. The show continues until Oct. 31.

The reception is from 5​​ to 7 pm. The Artist Studio Association Gallery, Pacific Artists’ Co-op Gallery and the Lincoln City Cultural Center are located at the intersection of Highway 101 and NE 6th Street. For more information, go to, and


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