Go wild in Manzanita
Manzanita is an ideal location for the subject of the next Hoffman Center for the Arts Writing Program, “Nature-Inspired Writing Series: Writing and the Ecological Self.”
Led by published writer and educator Christina M. Burress, the three-series workshop will be held Saturdays on Feb. 8, 15 and 22. Each workshop can also be taken as a standalone.
The program will explore how our ecological self, the part of us that is in a compassionate relationship with other beings in nature is calling us to return to the earth as a source of creativity. The invitation is to deepen skills of observation and connection by opening up the senses to all that the natural world is broadcasting. The supportive environment will encourage deep listening and kind observations, with participants connecting with each other with poetry, prose and fragmentary writing.
Participants will be given prompts to inspire new writing in response to discussions and will be provided readings on the topic. All levels of writers and types of genres are welcome. Please bring a pen and journal.
The first workshop, “Remembering our Place in the Biosphere & the Ethnosphere” will explore what it means to return to our nature selves.
In the second workshop, “The Elements and the Imagination” writers will work in the realm of the imagination and metaphor to shape writing that honors the dynamic world, celebrates the mystery and sings the praises of life on Earth.
In the final workshop, participants will learn about “Rewilding our Language.”
Since 2007, Burress has been teaching writers of all ages across a variety of settings and platforms. She currently teaches poetry and nature writing at UCSD Extended Studies and Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle. She lives with her husband next to the Trask River in Tillamook.
Workshops run from 1 to 4 pm at the Hoffman Center for the Arts is located at 594 Laneda Avenue in Manzanita. Tuition for a single workshop is $80 and the full series is $200.
Registration in the full series will include a one-on-one Zoom call with Burress.
Scholarships are available.
For more information go to hoffmanarts.org or call 503-368-3846.