House party (community college style)


Have you ever wondered if local community college could be a good fit or how they could help you with your college plans?

The Student Affairs department at Oregon Coast Community College will be holding a virtual open house from 6:30 to 8 pm on Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and 27, aimed at high school students and their families and anybody else who is planning to return to school or attend college.

The event will feature discussions and presentations to familiarize residents of Lincoln County with what their local community college has to offer. Following a 15-minute introduction, a series of workshops will be presented in 20-minute sessions. The agenda will be flexible to help you make the most of the event according to your needs, so you can choose your own experience.  

Topics include Academic Programs and Curriculum, Financial Aid, The Navigate Program, College Resources, Advising and Student Life.

While you explore the different workshops being offered, specialists will be available to answer questions.

Lincoln County high school seniors who attend and complete the interest form during the open house will be eligible to win a free summer scholarship.   

Bilingual services will be available.

For more information, go to For the Zoom link, email



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