Don’t be a-frayed to give this a try


It’s pretty hard to go wrong when building a scarecrow. As a matter of fact, the more tattered and torn the better, and a misshapen body or face simply adds that extra touch of creepy. A deep and abiding hatred of crows can’t hurt either.

Try your hand at this ancient agricultural art as the staff and residents of Lakeview Senior Living in Lincoln City decorate the campus with lots of lights and spooky decor on Monday, Oct. 26.

The straw to stuff the scarecrows with, as well as the stake, pole and crosspiece, will be provided. The rest is up to you.

Your scarecrow can be anything you want it to be: a space alien, a witch, a cowboy, a Disney character; as long as it’s child appropriate, the sky's the limit on ideas. Each individual, family, business or group that enters the scarecrow contest is asked to place a sign beside or on the scarecrow letting everyone know who created it.

After the last scarecrow has been stuffed and propped up, local “celebrity” judges will determine first- through third-place winners and award prizes. The scarecrows will remain up as part of the decor for the community to enjoy by walking or driving through the campus until Halloween night.

On Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31, the campus will provide a safe trick or treat event for local kids, from 5:30 to 7 pm. The property is perfectly set up so that people can enjoy the sights while still maintaining social distance.

An RSVP is recommended for scarecrow creators to ensure enough materials.

Lakeview Senior Living is located at 2690 NE Yacht Avenue, Lincoln City. For more information, or to RSVP, find the Lakeview Senior Living page on Facebook or call 541-994-7400.



Beer all in this together


Let’s get ready to ramble