New gallery, slough art

A former Newport mayor and award-winning painter will show her work in the newly christened Olive Street Gallery at the Newport Performing Arts Center. Sandra Roumagoux’s “Tide Flats along the Yaquina Bay Road” will run from Saturday, June 4, through August 28 and will include a select grouping of new oil paintings.

Debuted in April 2022, the Olive Street Gallery was created by the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts as a space to feature established local artists and expand the number of exhibit spaces curated by the Newport Visual Arts Center.

“I am pleased to exhibit my paintings at the PAC,” Roumagoux said. “I like the name: the Olive Street Gallery. This space is a new venue for the VAC to exhibit local and regional artists. It’s a win-win for the artists, the public and the two city-owned art buildings, the PAC and VAC.”

Roumagoux’s paintings are part of the permanent collections at Oregon Health Sciences University, the Microsoft Corporate Art Collection and the City of Newport.

“During my decades of living in Newport, I have been fascinated with the numerous tide flats that skirt the Yaquina Bay Road,” she said. “During minus tides and high tides, the landscape changes dramatically. There is a power and morose quality to these flats. Each day, rain or shine, is different which gives me subject matter I never tire of. They are beautiful and necessary for the health of the bay and sea life.”

Roumagoux will deliver a special artist talk at 1 pm this Saturday, June 4, in the lobby of the Newport Performing Arts Center, located at 777 W. Olive Street. The center is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. For more information, go to



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