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The colors and patterns of ancient Egypt infuse the works of Nancy Arthur Hoskins, whose textile creations will be presented in the “Memory of Egypt” show at the Lincoln City Cultural Center Fiber Arts Studio Gallery starting this Saturday, Dec. 5.

Egyptian textiles from the Pharaonic, Coptic and early Islamic centuries have been the focus of Hoskins’ research, writing and creative projects since 1974. Her handwoven textiles range from “experimental replications” of Tutankhamun weaves and ancient weaving techniques to fanciful interpretations of iconic figures she encountered on her quest.

Hoskins has examined the collections of Egyptian fabrics in more than 80 museums in Europe, Egypt, Canada, Australia and the United States. Her handwoven pieces might be the first replicas of the ancient patterns to be woven in the technique used by the weavers for the Pharaohs.

Hoskins finds the rare patterned weaves found in the tomb of Tutankhamun especially intriguing. The palette she uses for her recreations, though slightly brighter than the ancient textiles, resembles the natural, woad and madder linen patterns woven on the Tunic of Tutankhamun in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. She has woven other patterns with gilt threads and rich colors of garnet, lapis lazuli and turquoise, like the jeweled artifacts of Tutankhamun.

Playing with color, pattern and structure, Hoskins reinterpreted the four mummy case portraits of Tutankhamun with a weave structure (taqueté) borrowed from Coptic Egypt and patterns from the past ­— paradoxically, weaving some pieces on a complex, computer-assisted loom while always remembering that the ancient artisans wove with string and a few sticks.

Hoskins is a former college weaving instructor and the author of “The Coptic Tapestry Albums,” “The Archaeologist of Antinoé, Albert Gayet,” “Universal Stitches for Weaving, Embroidery, and Other Fiber Arts” and “Weft-Faced Pattern Weaves: Tabby to Taqueté.” She has also written numerous articles and contributed chapters about Egyptian textiles to five books by other authors.

She has presented lectures and workshops for national and international guilds, conferences and universities and has been honored by the Hellenic Institute for Egyptology, Yale University’s Peabody Museum, the National Gallery of Australia and many others worldwide. She is currently researching and publishing articles on Bronze Age Minoan and Egyptian textile patterns found in paintings.


The “Memory of Egypt” show will be on display through Sunday, Jan. 31. The Fiber Arts Studio Gallery is located inside the Lincoln City Cultural Center at 540 NE Hwy. 101, and is open from 10 am to 4 pm, Thursday through Sunday. For more information, call 541-342-1973.


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