Ready for the nest adventure?

Photo by Ruth Shelly

Experience a new park and an historic area while enjoying the wonderful birds that live and visit the coast in a pair of Audubon Society of Lincoln City bird walks this Friday and Saturday, July 7 and 8.

Friday, July 7 • Nesika City Park

Lincoln City's newest city park, the name "Nesika" means "Our Place" in the Chinook language. The walk will start with observing a nesting osprey pair with their two new chicks, then explore the trails to look for songbirds in the woods and wetlands.

The group will meet at SE 3rd and Mast Avenue.

Saturday, July 8 • Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area

At the Yaquina Head Lighthouse and Natural Area, just north of Newport, you might see nesting colonies of common murres, Brandt’s and pelagic cormorants, and pigeon guillemots. Learn about the importance of Oregon’s nearshore rocky habitat to birds, harbor seals and intertidal invertebrates.

The group will meet in the Interpretive Center parking lot. Parking fees apply.


All the group’s bird walks are free, family-friendly, easy to moderately easy and no pre-registration or experience is required. Binoculars and guidebooks are provided. Walks are held rain or shine; dress appropriately for coastal weather and muddy trails.

Both walks will start at 9 am. For more information, go to


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