Sand now for something completely different

Nothing could be more fundamental to the Oregon Coast and its public beaches than sand. We might love the feel of it between our toes, and we might worry if it seems to be eroding away, but we tend not to think about the substance itself. Yet sand reaches our shores through epic journeys, and far from being all alike, different types of sand grains characterize different beach environments.

Get granular on the topic when the CoastWatch program of the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition presents the webinar, “Sand” on Thursday, Oct. 6.

The virtual guide to the inner life of beaches will be naturalist and ecotour leader Marty Giles, who has spent a long career studying the subject.

"We’re all familiar with sand, but what is it?” she said. “Where does it come from? What does it do while it’s here? Where does it go when it’s done? This presentation answers those questions — and more! Participants will get a broad view of sand, from a sketch of the area’s geologic history to photomicrographs of the life between the grains."

Giles has been interpreting the Oregon Coast for residents and visitors for roughly four decades. She has been a naturalist for a variety of agencies, including Oregon State Parks, Oregon State University Extension/Sea Grant and South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve. She has a master’s degree in Recreation Resources Development from Texas A&M University, specializing in Environmental Interpretation.

The webinar begins at 7 pm. For more information, go to



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