Secrets of tsunamis

Inhabitants of the West Coast live with the results of thousands of years of tectonic plates riding over each other and causing subduction zone earthquakes, which can in turn create massive tsunamis.

Learn from an expert on the subject on Thursday, Nov. 30, when Dr. Jonathan Allan presents the latest installment of the Natural Arts and Sciences on Tap series in Lincoln City.

Allan is a distinguished coastal geomorphologist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries and one of the Pacific Northwest’s leading experts on tsunamis and how to prepare for them. 

“Unlocking the Secrets of Tsunamis,” will cover the past 10,000 years of these fascinating events, how they have shaped the world we live in and what to expect of the “Big One” in the future. Bring your questions.

The talk starts at 6 pm at the Pelican Brewpub on Siletz Bay, located at 5911 SE Hwy. 101, Lincoln City. For more information, go to


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