Take five in Lincoln City

The JaSkaMon reggae music project will mark its 10-year anniversary this Saturday, June 17, with the Mountain High Bash at Lincoln City’s Beach Club Event Center.

In addition to music from JaSkaMon this free, all-ages event will feature sets by Going Grey, King Tide, Porter McClister and Ronni Kay, along with refreshments.

Lincoln City is a fitting location for JaSkaMon’s 10th anniversary gig as it is where the group performed its first show those many years ago. Along the way the group has released eight albums, put on many shows, and prevailed through challenge after challenge, including a worldwide pandemic.

Band leader Barry Klusman, who has a landscaping business and property near Lincoln City, said the past decade has seen the band retain its overall brand of pop fused to Caribbean beats of reggae, ska and soca.

“I realised the project could be a vehicle for these tunes,” he said, “to keep them alive sort of speak. There has been quite a collection of musicians and artists over this span of time who have helped with this effort, and I am grateful for their contributions. This show we will have Dylan Crawford, Saundra Perrin, Porter McClister and three members from the Blue Gardenia Jazztet joining original bass player Louis Butts and myself. We will perform songs from each of the albums representing the history of the band."

Rounding out the variety show is King Tide, Going Grey, Porter McClister, and talented singer Ronni Kay. Helping with technical support is Steimy Sound from Salem.

Saturday’s concert will run from 6 to 11 pm at Beach Club Event Center, located at 2020 NE 22nd Street, Lincoln City.


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