This guy’s a natural

There’s still time to catch the stunning works of photographer Tim W. Moore, December’s featured artist at the Artist Studio Association’s Beachstone Gallery in Lincoln City.

Moore, a Tillamook County resident, specializes in wildlife and scenic images taken throughout North America, where he captures the natural surroundings and settings of animals in the wild as he visits national parks, taking hikes with his camera and always on the lookout for the perfect image.

Moore’s photographic skills began with film cameras. Then, in 2008, he decided to purchase his first digital camera. Since then he has improved and expanded his inventory of cameras and lenses, as well as his skills in using the equipment.

Moore’s images have been displayed in locations from the Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River to various coastal spots, including Pacific City. His show at the New Morning Bakery led to a presentation at the Academy of Lifelong Learning in Corvallis, where he described techniques used to capture various images.

He is a current member of the Artist Studio Association and the Nestucca Valley Artisans.

The Beachstone Gallery is located at 620 Hwy. 101 in Lincoln City. The Artist Studio Association offers a variety of classes and workshops throughout the year. For more information, go to


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