This recipe’s a cracker

A Pinch of Salt

By Donna Marie Riani

Oregon’s very own Bob’s Red Mill has been going strong for 44 years. They are one of the nation’s leading whole grain millers and you will find their factory, retail store and restaurant in Milwaukie. The factory produces more than 400 products that can be found in every grocery store and can also be seen on cooking shows and vlogs from all around the world.

Sadly, the factory is no longer offering tours, but if you want to see what they are all about you can visit their retail shop and restaurant. It’s quite impressive and also a little slice of heaven if you are gluten intolerant. Their restaurant, which serves breakfast and lunch, offers many gluten-free options as well as vegetarian and vegan selections.

Bob’s Red Mill holds a very special place in my heart. Sixteen years ago, I found out from my doctor that I am gluten intolerant. It explained why I suffered from headaches and stomach distress for much of my life. To get that diagnosis was a little unsettling, as I have been in the food industry as a cook and a baker since the age of 16. To say food is my life is an understatement. I immediately started thinking of all the foods I could no longer enjoy and it bothered me more than I care to admit. How do I keep eating the foods I love and not sacrifice on flavor and texture? This started a years-long odyssey filled with lots of experimentation and failures. Honestly, some of my recipes turned out so bad I wouldn’t feed them to a dog. But through trial and error, I was able to make gluten-free versions of most of my favorite baked goods without sacrificing flavor or, more importantly, texture. Many times, I got the flavor right but not the texture or vice versa. I wasn’t willing to compromise and Bob’s Red Mill was my saving grace. They mill just about every gluten-free grain you can think of, so the experimentation was infinite. I was able to navigate this gluten-less life so much easier because of them and I am eternally grateful! 

Back in my gluten-eating days, you could always find a box of cheese crackers in my kitchen cabinet. It was my not-so-guilty pleasure. I would reach in and grab a handful and snack away. When I realized I could make a delicious gluten-free version of my favorite snack, I did a happy dance. If you are new to baking or you think you can’t bake, then this recipe is for you. It’s one of the easiest things you can bake. I can’t give you a yield for this recipe as it will depend on how big you cut your crackers. I like to make small one-bite crackers. Cut these in any shape and size you like. The key is rolling the dough thin, so you end up with crispy crackers.


GF Totally Cheesy Crackers

8 ounces grated sharp cheddar, or whatever cheese you like

3/4 teaspoon sea salt

3/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill gluten free 1 to 1 baking flour mix

1/4 cup cornstarch

4 tablespoons cold butter, cut into small cubes

3 tablespoons ice cold water 


Place the first four ingredients into the bowl of a food processor. Pulse just a couple of times. Only use the pulse. You are not trying to make this into a dough yet, only combining the ingredients.

Next add the cubed butter. Pulse again two to three times to incorporate the butter. Because you cut the butter into small cubes you will not need to pulse it more than three times.

Add the cold water. Now you are going to pulse it till a dough ball is formed.

Remove the dough from the processor and cover with plastic wrap. Flatten the dough into a disc. Chill it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Take the dough out of the fridge and unwrap it. Roll the dough to about 1/16 of an inch thick. The edges of the dough may crack while you are rolling it out. If that happens, simply pinch the dough back together. Cut with a pizza cutter, knife or cookie cutters, it’s your choice.

Place the crackers on a parchment lined baking sheet. With a fork, poke a couple of holes in the center of each cracker. This step is vital as it allows the steam to escape and ensures crispy crackers.

Bake for about 14 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through.

Allow to cool on the pan.

Crackers can be stored in an airtight container on your countertop for up to five days.   



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