Time for league-al action

If you have been shooting for a fun new activity in the company of others or are an experienced archer looking for some competition, check out the Lincoln City Archery’s League Nights. Every Tuesday, beginning on Feb. 15, traditional archers will gather at the indoor range to shoot some arrows, enjoy some camaraderie, face some challenges and play a couple of games.

“There’s a special bond that forms when people shoot arrows together,” owner Shad Engkilterra said. “Archery seems like a solitary sport, but archers who come together create a supportive atmosphere that supersedes any competition or shooting differences.”

The first evening, archers will be challenged to shoot three bullseyes in one round. Archery Tic Tac Toe, the Odysseus challenge and other activities are also in the works for future evenings.

Beginners are welcome. However, there will not be continuing instruction during league nights. Those wishing to join the league are highly encouraged to come to the range before league night to get the instruction needed to shoot a bow and arrow. Regular range fees are $15 for 15 minutes of archery including instruction and equipment.

Lincoln City Archery features four indoor archery lanes for bows with a draw weight of less than 40 pounds. The Archers League will be limited to 20 people and reservations are required.

The cost is $50 per person or $450 for the first 10 weeks when paid all at once. League members will receive a 40-percent discount on normal range fees during the week when their dues are current.

Lincoln City Archery is located at the Lincoln City Outlets, 1500 SE East Devils Lake Road. For more information, go to lincolncityarchery.com or call 503-409-8371.


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