Two days of the wigeon

Eurasian Wigeon by Ruth Shelly

Explore two lesser-known but highly scenic trails during Audubon Society of Lincoln City bird walks this Friday and Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13.


Friday, Jan. 12

Regatta Park and Devils Lake

Regatta Park, with a playground, picnic area and lake access, is a favorite spot for local families. Less well known are the park’s nature trails. The foray will start with a walk through the woods looking for songbirds, then head to the lake to check for wintering waterfowl.

The group will meet at 9 am in the parking lot at 2700 NE 14th Street in Lincoln City.


Saturday, Jan. 13

Hatfield Marine Science Center Nature Trail and Yaquina Bay South Jetty

Yaquina Bay regularly hosts thousands of wintering waterfowl. After walking the trail, the group will drive to the south jetty as time permits to look for Harlequin and other diving ducks, loons and other wintering birds.

This trip offers short easy walks to viewing areas and will start at 9 am in the HMSC visitor center parking lot at 2030 SE Marine Science Drive in Newport.


All the group’s bird walks are free, family-friendly, easy to moderately easy and no pre-registration or experience is required. Binoculars and guidebooks are provided. Walks are held rain or shine.

For more information, go to





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