We’re touched

We see them on the streets and often require their services – now you get to climb on them and even honk a horn or two at Newport’s annual Touch a Truck event this Friday, June 28.

The event is for truck enthusiasts big and small who wish to explore and get an up close look at the vehicles used by the City of Newport’s police, fire, parks and public works departments, the Oregon National Guard, Rowley’s Towing, First Student buses and US Coast Guard. Food for purchase will be available from Bristo’s Place food truck.

“This is Touch a Truck’s fourth year and it only continues to grow,” Recreation Program Specialist Jenni Remillard said. “This event gives not only the City, but also community partners a chance to meet with the public and let kids and adults explore vehicles they don’t usually get a chance to see up close. And our staff love the chance to interact with the kids!”

Kids will have the opportunity to sit inside vehicles and try out their sirens and horns.

A popular  returning vehicle is the City’s Vacuum Truck, with a pressure hose which staff can show kids how to use to try and knock down some traffic cones.

Those who do not wish to be present for the loud noises can participate in the siren-free last half hour of the event.

“This event is such a great way for us to positively connect with our customers!” Aimee Thompson, public information and education manager of Thompson’s Sanitary Service said. “We’re a part of many kids’ weekly routines because they either greet or watch us from their house every week, and this gives them a chance to meet a driver and discover our collection truck in a safe and fun manner.”

Touch a Truck will go from 3 to 5:30 pm in the parking lot of the Newport Performing Arts Center, located at 777 W Olive Street. For more information, go to the City of Newport Parks and Recreation page on Facebook.


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