
Spot some art that really represents the coast when the Yaquina Art Gallery Spotlight Show features painters Charlotte Carter and Diane Pinizzotto, opening this Friday, Aug. 5 and running through Aug. 18.

Carter has been an artist for most of her life. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science in Art, with a major in drawing and painting and a minor in ceramics and sculpture. For many years she worked as a technical illustrator, graphic artist and designer. She continued to paint in her spare time and was an active member of the Potters’ Guild of Ann Arbor, Michigan. While raising two children on her own, she taught ceramics classes.

She has lived and exhibited her artwork in many places around the US, but chose to retire in Newport, where she teaches an ongoing pastels class for the Yaquina Art Association.

Pinizzotto’s paintings are often playful and filled with color. She has a strong beach and sea connection which is often evident in her work. She grew up with frequent trips to the southern California beaches and currently divides her time between California and Waldport. She studied art and started painting with oils early in her life then stepped away to raise her children. Pinizzotto has picked up her brushes again to create what comes to her imagination. Often it reflects sea and water creatures in a whimsical way.  

The Yaquina Art Association Gallery is located at 789 NW Beach Drive and is open daily from 11 am to 5 pm. For more information, go to yaquinaart.org.


Piece be with you


A sand-sational day