Work out your plan for aging

This Friday, March 25, offers a chance to get involved with the Newport Community Health Reads program as it takes close look at “Younger Next Year: live strong, fit, sexy, and smart - until you're 80 and beyond.”

From 1 to 2 pm, Newport Recreation Center Fitness Specialist Brenda Luntzel will lead a discussion group at the Newport Public Library Reading Room.

This New York Times bestseller, written by Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge, M.D., shows how to delay many of the normal problems of aging — weakness, sore joints, bad balance — and significantly decrease the incidences of serious illness and injury.

The book also shows how following "Harry's Rules" for diet, exercise and staying emotionally connected directly affects the brain, all the way down to the cellular level. The message is simple: learn to train for the next third of your life, and you'll have a ball.

Luntzel will also provide more information on health and inspiration to help discussion group participants take personal responsibility for improving their own health.

Newport Public Library is located at 35 NW Nye Street.

For more information, go to or call 541-574-3863.


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