Nest on the list...

Audubon Society of Lincoln City will lead a bird walk to Alder Island Loop Trail just south of town this Saturday, Aug. 10.

At this site, located in the middle of the Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge, an easy one-mile trail loops through riparian and wetland habitat along the Siletz River, highlighted by interpretive signage. Sightings could include resident and migratory songbirds, great blue herons and ospreys with growing chicks.

The group will meet at 9 am in the Alder Island Trail parking lot just south of the Siletz River bridge. Parking is limited so walkers should carpool if possible. 

All the group’s bird walks are free, family-friendly, easy to moderately easy and no pre-registration or experience is required. Binoculars and guidebooks are provided. Walks are held rain or shine. For more information, go to


Finding the suite spot


Double vision