An Andy guide to adventure

Schmooze with three published authors and have a little nosh when Bubbelah Press of Newport celebrates the publication of its first book: "The Jew Girls Adventure Series: You Can Call Me Andy," this Saturday, Nov. 12.

Light refreshments will be available and brief readings from the book will occur every half hour.

This first collaboration by Carla Perry, Jess Bondy and Sara Lou Heimlich weaves a story that starts with a simple desire for revenge and quickly becomes a fast-paced escapade for three women "of a certain age." Vengeance takes them from Oregon to Maui, where they rub elbows with nefarious characters, stumble into a hidden commune's Purim luau and fight their way into the boardroom of a newly formed solar investment group for a seat at the table.

It is a tale of sleuthing, shenanigans, romance and long-lasting friendship as the trio plots to solve livability challenges in Newport.

Perry is an award-winning writer and the founder of Writers On The Edge and the Nye Beach Writers' Series; Bondy worked as senior planner for the Lincoln County Department of Planning and Development for decades; and Heimlich spent 30 years as a whale biologist and freelance graphic artist.

Friends for 20 years, the trio decided to create a book that encapsulated their many serious and hilarious debates around the dinner table as they took on cultural heritage, social justice issues and local environmental problems. However, the real goal of their book project was to help them to stay sane in their individual COVID isolation bubbles, and to have fun during the early pandemic years. The resulting page-turner is reminiscent of the Nancy Drew adventure series, but also features Andy, a Secret Service dog with remarkable skills who inspired the book's cover, designed by the artist Sarah Gayle.

Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing at the event (cash or check only), at the Nye Beach Book House and can also be borrowed from local libraries.

The event will take place from 2 to 4 pm at the South Beach Community Center, 3024 SE Ferry Slip Road. For more information, email or call 541-574-7708.



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