Frisson is on, in Neskowin

In French, frisson, means “a strong feeling of excitement.” To the chamber music world, it means the Frisson Ensemble, four of a larger group, who will bring their talents as string and wind musicians to a Neskowin Chamber Music concert at Camp Winema this Sunday, April 23.

Noted oboist Thomas Gallant is musical director of the group. Other performers are: Giancarlo Latta, violinist and composer; Aaron Wolff, cellist; and Chieh-Fan Yu, violinist.

Gallant last appeared at Neskowin with an expanded version of the group in 2019. His biography is filled with a number of prizes including first place at the Concert Artist Guild International competition. He has also appeared as a guest soloist with the Kronos Quartet at the Ravinia Festival and with the Colorado, Calder and Lark Quartets.

Other members have equally distinguished resumes, as soloists and performers with other musical organizations.

Critics have called Frisson “a rare group that does it all. The best and the brightest of classical music rising stars drawn from the nation’s best music schools.”

The members expand and contract into a variety of ensembles including quintets, sextets, nonets and a small chamber orchestra.

Sunday’s concert begins at 3 pm. Tickets, available at the door for cash or check only, are $30 for adults aged 30 and older, $20 for adults aged 18 to 29 and $10 for kids 17 and younger.

Camp Winema is located three miles north of Neskowin, just off Highway 101 between mileposts 93 and 94. For more information, go to or call 503-965-6499.


Take note, in Newport


Straight out of weft field