Get a new artistic headquarters

Local artists with an established connection to the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area have a wonderful opportunity to live and work among the natural and man-made wonders that make the area so… outstanding.

Applications for the three-week artist-in-residence program are being accepted until March 7, with the residency scheduled to begin on May 14. Artists from all artistic disciplines will be considered.

The program is a joint partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Coast Council for the Arts and Friends of Yaquina Lighthouses.

“I can hardly think of a better inspiration and designer than nature itself,” OCCA Executive Director Jason Holland said. “To create in, and be inspired by, the beautiful surroundings found at Yaquina Head during a season of birth and new life is particularly fitting.”

The spring season will offer an ideal time to visit and draw inspiration from the Yaquina Head area with a bounty of new life in the form of nesting seabirds, seal pups and migrating whales.

National Conservation Lands are designated to conserve special features and provide exceptional opportunities for recreation and scientific research.

The selected artist will be provided an onsite workspace to develop creative products that help promote public stewardship of the area’s unique natural and cultural environment.

During their stay, the artist will offer one public presentation to share their work and build a stronger connection between public resources and the local community, and will donate one digital product of artistic media completed during their residency for promotional purposes. The artist will retain both the original art and the copyright.

Applicants must be 18 years or older.

For more information and application materials, go to


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