Music teachers compare notes

When the generous teachers in the Lincoln County Oregon Music Teachers Association aren’t making a practice of helping create new or improved musicians through lessons, they are scaling new heights with their bi-annual fundraiser.

The latest concert, “Broadway, Movies and Fun!” will be presented this Sunday, Feb. 27, at the Newport Performing Arts Center.

Proceeds will go to the Suzanne Brown Scholarship fund, designed to assist students with the costs of music education. The fund can be used to pay tuition, buy books, pay for festival fees or any other music related expense. The family contributes what they can, teachers discount their fees, and the fund makes up the difference. 

“We have six OMTA members and four guests performing in this concert,” said Rita Warton, co-president of the local OMTA group. “Each performer or group chooses their own performance piece and it has resulted in a wonderful mix on this program.  The variety on this program includes classic jazz numbers, movie music, and Broadway tunes as well as works by Scott Joplin and an original piece by Milo Graamans.”

Waldport High School’s music teacher, Tim Chase, will perform on tenor sax, accompanied by member Cathy Champion-Predmore. Guest performer, Evelyn Archer, will play two bassoon pieces accompanied by member Mary Lee Scoville. Guest Carol Wolfe will play “Deep Purple,” a piano duet with Warton.

Talia Sanfilippo-Neely will sing two numbers from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Oklahoma,” with Warton on piano. Jessie Treon will play two Irving Berlin numbers with Scoville and Champion-Predmore; and Treon will play a duo version of a medley of Cole Porter songs. The Joplin tunes on deck are “Maple Leaf Rag,” performed by Donna Olson and “The Ragtime Dance,” performed by bassoonist Archer.

“We like to close these concerts with a rousing piece for eight hands on two pianos,” Treon said. “but you’ll have to tune in or be there in person to hear this year’s closer. So don’t miss it!”


The concert begins at 2 pm and will also be live-streamed on YouTube by students of the video class at Waldport High School. For more information, go to or call 541-961-0959.



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