Go beyond the beach

If you joined the “Beyond the Beach, King Tides” webinar and were inspired to learn more about Oregon’s amazing coastline, you are in luck — two more presentations remain in the webinar series.

On Wednesday, Dec. 8, “Beyond the Beach: Oregon’s Rocky Coast,” will explore how noteworthy places along the Oregon Coast are designated to protect the marine life that is dependent on them. You’ll learn where some of these places are located and how to enjoy them in a way that ensures their bountiful resources are available for generations to come.

David B. Ledig USFWS

Next, help start the new year off right by learning about mysterious undersea kelp forests. The presentation on Wednesday, Jan. 12, “Beyond the Beach: Mysterious Undersea Kelp Forests,” will fascinate you with descriptions of what Oregon's kelp forests used to look like, how are they doing today and how Oregonians can influence what our kelp forests will look like many years into the future.

Both presentations begin at 6:30 pm via Zoom. For more information, go to lincolncityaudubon.org or oregonshores.org.


If yarn’t too busy…


Explore ‘The Other’ in Newport