Lincoln City goes to the dogs

Tails are wagging all over North Lincoln County at the news that Lincoln City’s first off-leash dog park is having a grand opening this Friday, June 10.

The newly fenced park, located on the grounds of the Lincoln City Community Center, hosts an ADA entrance pad, human and dog water fountains, tables, doggie bag stations and a doggy fire hydrant, the canine equivalent of the office water cooler.

The formation of the park was an all-around community effort, both in advocacy and in fundraising. Lincoln City Parks and Recreation put together multiple fund-raisers to help pay for the project, including a “Photos with Santa Claws” event and an ongoing metal dog bone sign program, where pet owners can commemorate a loved canine or their love of dogs. The signs will be installed along the park fence, much like commemorative bricks are placed at parks.

The guest list at Friday’s ribbon cutting includes Lincoln City Council members, parks and recreation board members and, of course, dogs! Refreshments and doggie treats will be served.

The ceremony begins at 10 am at 2150 NE Oar Place. For more information, including how to purchase a metal dog bone sign, go to or call 541-996-1248.



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