Prey for good weather

Photo by Ruth Shelly

Birds of a feather will hike together at two different spots this weekend, when the Audubon Society of Lincoln City leads bird walks at Lincoln City’s Regatta Park this Friday, June 10, and at Ona Beach and Beaver Creek State Recreation Area south of Newport this Saturday, June 11.


Friday, Regatta Park

With a wonderful playground, picnic area and beach access for swimmers and boats, this is a favorite spot for local families. Less well known are the park’s nature trails, one of which features the 400-year-old Sitka Spruce recently named Nuu-k’wii’daa’naa~-ye’, or “our ancestor” when it was inducted as an Oregon Heritage Tree. The group will hike through the woods looking for warblers, flycatchers and other songbirds, then head to the shores of the lake to look for waterfowl and raptors such as the osprey and bald eagles that nest nearby.

The hike begins in the parking lot off of NE 14th Street in Lincoln City.


Saturday, Ona Beach and Beaver Creek State Recreation Area

This foray includes ocean, marsh, woods and upland habitat and will begin with a walk through the woods along the west section of Beaver Creek. The group will head toward the beach, looking for nesting birds including warblers and swallows, resident wading birds and songbirds. If time permits, the group will next drive to the Beaver Creek natural area.

The hike begins at the west parking lot at Ona Beach.


Both walks begin at 9 am and will last roughly two hours. All the group’s bird walks are free, family-friendly, easy to moderately easy and no pre-registration or experience is required. Binoculars and guidebooks are provided. Walks are held rain or shine — dress appropriately for coastal weather and muddy trails and carry water. For more information, go to



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