Once upon a time in the weft

The 7th Small Tapestry International Exhibit offers the chance to view a colorful array of the best in small-format tapestry created by artists from around the globe.

Presented by the American Tapestry Alliance, the travelling show will run from Friday, July 2, through August 27 at the Fiber Arts Studio Gallery at the Lincoln City Cultural Center.

And thanks to some savvy scheduling, people can enjoy two opening receptions in one evening on Friday, July 9. Get a chance to meet a number of the American Tapestry Alliance artists, then head down the hall to the Chessman Gallery for the opening of the annual Membership Show.

The tapestry show features artists who work in both traditional and more experimental tapestry methods, though each piece in this exhibit is limited to no more than 100 square inches, inviting close scrutiny and rewarding the viewer with a glimpse into the weavers’ personal interpretations of the exhibit theme, “Elements.” 

“Engaging with artwork is both an intellectual and physical experience,” said Juror Susan Iverson, retired professor and past American Tapestry Alliance president. “How we approach the work, how we are pulled in and held and then pushed away to see the whole, is quite physical. The more controlled I feel by a work, the more intrigued I become. Many of these works will compel the viewer to come in for very close investigation while others will ask us to stop several feet away. I feel confident that when these tapestries are in the gallery they will, like art works of any scale, engage each viewer on many levels.” 

Participating artists include Jennifer Sargent, Ellen Ramsey, Louise Halsey, Kathe Todd-Hooker, Joyce Hayes, Terry Olson, Joan Griffin, Sharon Crary, Mary Lane, Turid Teague, Laura Center and Mary Jane Lord, all representing the US: Lindsey Marshall and Jane Freear-Wyld representing the UK; and Ulrikka Mokdad representing Denmark.

Historically there was a bias against small tapestries stemming from the attitude that only large tapestries were significant. As a counterpoint, the American Tapestry Alliance organizes the Small Tapestry International to spotlight small-format tapestries from artists around the world.

The 15 works selected for the show were juried from more than 80 tapestries submitted by both beginners and professionals.

Created in 1982, the American Tapestry Alliance has more than 1,000 members and continues to create opportunities for tapestry weavers to learn, exhibit, network, and promote the field of contemporary hand-woven tapestry. For more information, go to americantapestryalliance.org.

The July 9 opening reception will be held from 5 to 7 pm at the Fiber Arts Studio Gallery, located inside the Lincoln City Cultural Center at 540 NE Hwy. 101. The center is open from 10 am to 4 pm, Thursday through Sunday. For more information, email LCFiberArtsStudio@gmail.com.



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