Who you gonna call?

Recent breast cancer survivors Sonia Graham and Jeanette Campagna decided to create something good out of something bad by launching a fund-raiser to help breast cancer patients in their own community.

The Coast Busters Walk for Breast Cancer will be held on the track at Newport High School on Saturday, Oct. 9, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Proceeds raised from the event will stay local and benefit Pacific Communities Health District Foundation Women’s Cancer Fund, which supports educational programs, mammograms and costs associated with treatment.

Jeanette was diagnosed in late 2019 following a routine mammogram, followed by four arduous biopsies and further invasive testing Her best option was finally determined to be a unilateral mastectomy.  After reconstructive surgery and more than a year of physical therapy to provide more mobility to a frozen shoulder that resulted from the surgeries, on Feb. 27 Jeanette celebrated one year of being cancer free.                             

​Sonia’s journey began in early 2020 when she discovered a large lump in her left breast during a routine self-exam.

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Full testing found she actually had two lumps in the breast and impacted lymph nodes. Because of the aggressiveness of Sonia’s cancer, the care team suggested chemotherapy to reduce the cancer before surgery. After 16 rounds of chemotherapy and a lumpectomy, she faced a complete lymph node dissection when cancer was still detected. On Jan. 18, Sonia finished 33 rounds of radiation therapy and was determined to be officially in remission.     

For both women, the three-mile fund-raising walk is an opportunity to proudly raise awareness in the community and provide faith, courage, confidence and hope for all women who have been affected by breast cancer.

Registration, $35 until Oct. 1 and $45 on the day, includes a race bib, pink ribbon pin and, while supplies last, a race t-shirt.

Those who raise $150 or more will have their name publicly placed on the Coast Busters Honor Roll, and the top three individual fundraisers will win prizes.

To fully get into the spirit of the event, create a team and dress in pink.

The walk begins at 9 am at Newport High School, 322 NE Eads Street. For more information and to register, go to CoastBustersWalk.com or call 970-485-9696.


Don’t hang around too long


A really grade performance