Learn some fuzzy logic

Follow the path of a butterfly or moth with your eyes. It is never in a straight line, not unlike the course of our minds.

In the Saturday, March 12 online Botanical Drawing Workshop with Dorota Haber-Lehigh, the subjects will be celestial treasures like feathers, butterflies and moths.

These elements allow the practice of linear color pencil application to portray “hairy” or “fuzzy” surfaces.

The workshop will be a mix of presentation, demonstration and drawing along with the instructor. A PDF presentation and the video recorded from the workshop will be available for participants.

Haber-Lehigh is an artist, educator and naturalist with a passion for plants of the Pacific Northwest. Born in Poland, she loves foraging berries, mushroom hunting, field sketching and collecting specimens. She has a diploma in Botanical Illustration from the Society of Botanical Artists in London, has degrees in Art and International Studies focusing on indigenous cultures and a master’s degree in teaching.

She is a member of Oregon Botanical Artists, Pacific Northwest Botanical Artists and the American Society of Botanical Artists.

Haber-Lehigh is interested in the healing power of plants and nature and enjoys drawing plants that have medicinal properties. She has authored two ethnobotanical coloring books: “ABC of Native Plants of the Coastal PNW” and “Native Berries of the Coastal PNW.”

The workshop, hosted by Manzanita’s Hoffman Center, will be held from 1 to 4 pm via Zoom. Tuition is $45. For more information including a list of materials and supplies, go to hoffmanarts.org.


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