The birds and the bees, and the BioBlitz
The news hasn’t been great about the health of our pollinators, which make possible a huge number of our food products from almonds to vanilla.
Dave’s Detours: Nestucca Bay
Having walked south on the beach from Cape Lookout over Cape Kiwanda to Pacific Avenue in Pacific City there is roughly six and a half miles of road until you reach the beach at Winema Road.
Rakey rakey
The wide, flat stretch of beach in front of Lincoln City’s Chinook Winds Casino Resort is the perfect canvas for sand art.
Needles never felt so good
When the fiber arts studio opened in its new, larger space on the main floor of the Lincoln City Cultural Center, one of the goals of the guild was to use the space to host classes.
Pickleball is on the rise, dill with it
In case you haven’t heard, pickleball is as hot as toilet paper at the start of a pandemic and is the fastest growing sport in America.
See what you can see on the C2C
Celebrate the “culmination of 18 years’ work on a 50-year-old concept” at the grand opening ceremonies of the Corvallis-to-the-Sea, or C2C, this Saturday, Aug. 21, with gala events taking place on the opposite ends of the route.
Dave’s Detours: Siletz Bay
The new state Oregon Coast Trail maps are out. Unfortunately, they still include several long sections of hiking along the side of Highway 101.
If you can’t beach ‘em, join ’em
Grab your buckets and shovels and head on down to Siletz Bay in the historic Taft district because it’s just about time for the annual Lincoln City Sandcastle Contest.
Lincoln City makes a trunk call
Lincoln City will celebrate the induction of one of its most beloved spruce trees into the Oregon Heritage Tree Program this Thursday, Aug. 19, in a ceremony at Regatta Park.
A reserve of talent
Every month, the Chessman Gallery at the Lincoln City Cultural Center opens with a new show, featuring a variety of artists and themes, and always beautifully presented.
Crop, collaborate and listen
If you are looking for something different on the Oregon Coast, make plans to attend this year’s Yachats River Valley Farm Tour on Saturday, Aug. 14.
Want art? Head to Newport.
You might see a familiar face or two at “Have We Met?” the new exhibit by Otis-based artist Sam Jacobson, now on display at the Newport Visual Arts Center.
Daves’ Detours: Yaquina Head
Since August is Marine Reserve Awareness Month — and others are covering it — I will detour to other sites of wildlife importance (no, not bars!)
Hop into some hip music
As a community organizer with a love for ensuring children have the tools they need to express themselves through art and music, Crystal Meneses was thrilled at the birth of her daughter Alberta. But she soon found the music scene geared toward little kids left her underwhelmed.
Plans gull-ore
Instead of just letting their feathers get ruffled by negative trends in species numbers and healthy habitats in the world’s oceans, the Audubon Society of Lincoln City is designating this August as Marine Reserve Awareness Month.
With the goal of raising visibility and understanding of Oregon’s Marine Reserves, they’ve planned and partnered with other organizations for an art exhibition, live presentations, hikes, children's activities and more.
Keep your friends close… and your anemones closer
Of the many treasures the Oregon Coast has to offer, the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve is one of the most magical. And from now through August, free tide pool tours are available for anyone interested in exploring the ocean during the lowest tides of the year.
Ready, willing and able
Since Duke Kahanamoku was first seen riding a wave on a board that probably weighed as much as a small modern car, surfing has grown to be a popular activity that has even spawned its own lingo and fashion style.
Beach Blanket Birthday Burn
I turned 60 a few months ago, and on that chilly, foggy day, I woke up earlier than usual, hours before my first-period Zoom class. I felt jittery and was haunted by images from a nightmare I couldn’t quite remember, something about being chased by a murmuring army of colon polyps.
Music with a sense of place
The Siletz Bay Music Festival is known for both a high caliber of performers and a large variety of musical styles. And this year’s schedule of performances, beginning on Saturday, Sept. 4, and ending Sept. 12, will include two productions created to honor to Native Americans.
Roll models
Roller derby has come a long way since Raquel Welch knocked women off the track with a well-timed hit from a well-shaped hip in the 1972 movie, “Kansas City Bomber.”